I was just wondering what is the best software that allows a dual-layer dvd to fit onto two 4.7gb dvdr's ? Any help or info would be greatly appreciated Thanks!
never fear! DVDShrink is hear! luckely u dont have to split the DVD onto 2 DVD-Rs. instead you can use this program here, http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/dvd_shrink.cfm , to shrink the video and fit it onto one DVD-R. if you need any help using it, let me know.
The poster asked how to split one DVD into two, not how to get horrible quality on one DVD. I do believe DVDShrink can allow you to select the desired titlesets in a movie. CloneDVD2 is easier, IMO. e.g. for an episodic disc, select the lowest-numbered episodes such that you don't have to compress. Then, when you go to burn disc 2, just select the titlesets you didn't select before. I'm told some studios are getting wise and putting an odd number of episodes on discs such that you will have to use a tad bit of compression.
Yes what I actually meant is how to "split" up a dvd-9 into 2 or more dvdr's so I dont have to sacrifice any quality and put bonus stuff on the second dvd, etc....
sorry, my mistake. although Shrink produces almost equal quality (ive been using it for 2 years now and have never seen the difference) i see that you wanted the oposite. you can actualy do what you wanted with DVDShrink. if you go to the re-author section, you can choose no compresion and set the end frame to half way through the movie. then back up half the movie with no compresion and do the same for the other half. if you want me to make a guide just ask.
What i'd like to do is keep the original or "main" movie on disc 1, and the extras on disc 2. How does this affect the menus though ?
i have never split a movie onto 2 disk's before,because i think IMO its a waste of time,but hey.... anyways,you can check here http://www.doom9.org/index.html?/mpg/ifoedit-2dvdrs.htm but personally,if you use a good quality encoder like clonedvd2,you will hardly notice the difference,and then you will need a massive tv to see the difference in quality at all
Gary3072 How about using DVD Decryptor with AnyDVD running in the background and make an exact copy using the ISO read and write settings and a DL [dual layer} disc??????