What is the best type of digital audio. Is it mp3, wav, wma, ogg, sony's artrac. Please give responses. I know it's a matter of opinion but I need to know which is the best.
well if size wasn't an issue, the best digital format would undoubtedly be either WAV or AIFF, as they are true uncompressed high quality digital format. as much as I love Sony, Atrac3 is crap. I have several minidisc decks, and the quality isn't even as good as a well-encoded mp3 using EAC/LAME VBR 192k. Stay clear of WMA...they suck, plain and simple. Don't have much experience with ogg or monkey's audio, so no comment here on those. Ultimately, quality wise the uncompressed formats are the best quality. And while there are lossless formats like FLAC, mp3 is still a decent type of audio, when ripped/encoded properly, and is by far still the most popular format.
Yes I have to agree. While WAV is the best quality it just takes up too much space. Sony's and Windows own version of digitl music are still not as good as mp3. So yea mp3's encoded with lame using EAC are probably still the best.
At high bitrates, bitrates above 128K, Muse{ack (MPC) is the undisputed champion. The only thing is that nothing supports it except PC media players via a DS filter. Ogg it the ultimate alternative to Mp3 but suffers from low support in hardware devices. Monkeys Audio to me sounds a like bit better than Flac when played back at high compression but lacks in popularity to Flac (both are lossless and can match a WAV or AIFF in quality as far as encoding to a lossy format. Ced
Yep, of course! WikiPedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MPC_(audio_compression_format) MPC (homepage): http://www.musepack.net/index.php?pg=home List of support for MPC: http://www.musepack.net/index.php?pg=pro Ced
thanks man. I should have looked at WikiPedia, didn't think about that. Such a sweet little encyplopedia
choose lossless over wav. there're vorbis supported player, just its only a handful. check iriver. no portable player for mpc as i know of.
So what both of you are saying is that MPC is the best compressed digital audio but it isn't as popular as the others which means only a few players support it.
Yes, in all actuality there are no hardware players that support MPC, although there is plenty of software support for it.