Heya i'm fairly new to the dvd ripping but this site has really been helpful so far. Was just wondering what would be the best software or way to just backup the movies themselves without the added features etc. I'm wanting to do this so that i don't have to compress so much and loose quality. Would like to be able to just have the disk so that it's just a movie from start to finish maybe chapters but not necessary. So far i've been using dvd-shrink and Nero Ultra Edition. I've noticed Nero does have an application to select just the video but i haven't been succesful in it actually going ahead with the burn process always comes back with some file error once it starts.
Print out the guide for DVD SHRINK found in the guides tab at the top of the page. Use re author. If needed do the deep analysis. It does add time to the rip but pays off in the long run. Hogan
dvd shrink in re-author mode will do it for you no probs ! when you add the movie in re-author mode a tip is to click on compresion settings and just have english ticked as the language and untick all the subtitles . it works for me )
Shrink re author mode can also change the start and end scenes, so that the credits and even the logo intros can be removed. This can be especially helpful if you need to reduce size of movie in effort to minimize the need for compression, or if you need to get image file less than 4 GB in size.
woof811 Just a thought but leaving 1 english subtitle checked would be advised (they rarely take up over 1 mb) otherwise you will sit down to watch say Kill Bill like i did and find out you dont know whats being said