i have a bin. cue. file but i dont have a dvd burner becuase the file is too big... its 800meg.. what do i do to open this file is there any other way ??
yep you can open bin/cue, try to get/buy Alcohol 120% or Ultraiso ummmm 800MB...try to split file in ultraiso
You can mount it with daemon tools, alcohol or any other virtual drive application. Extraction can be made with Win/Ultra/MagicISO, IsoBuster etc. And it should fit just fine to a cd if you want to burn it - just use burn image... or something like that on the burning software you are using.
Shame on you! None of you ever read my 'sticky' thread! A CD is NOT defined by its 'size' but by its 'sectors'. A "80' CD" only mean that it has 360,000 sectors ("74' CD" = 330,000 sectors). It can contain: 360,000 * 2048 bytes of data + ECC + EDC (error correction / detection codes) 360,000 * 2336 bytes of movies + EDC (error detection codes) 360,000 * 2352 bytes of RAW data (CD-images) or sound (no ECC / EDC available) This means on a CD you can fit 737,280,000 bytes of data (and therefore it is said 80' CD = 700 MB), 840,960,000 data of movies or 846,720,000 bytes of CD-images or sounds. Otherwise, how would exoplain that a "80 CD - 700 MB" contains 80' of music, since a .WAV 1' long file is 10 MB long ? (MP3 = compressed WAVs)
instead of wasting a disk you can extract it to ur hard drive and operate it there to extract the files in the bin/cue files download isobuster(http://www.isobuster.com) or win iso(http://www.winiso.com)