bin tiedostomuoto leffassa?

Discussion in 'Digivideo-ongelmat ja -keskustelu' started by MikaI, Jul 30, 2003.

  1. MikaI

    MikaI Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Yritin etsiä vastausta, mutta en löytänyt. Eli leffan tiedoston muoto on .bin ja bsplayer eikä WMP avaa kyseistä leffaa?

    Eli milläs softalla tai mistä semmoisen saa jolla kyseisen leffan saisi auki ja toimimaan? entä tekstitykset?

    Kiitoksia tiedosta etukäteen...olen siis rookie.
  2. d_2ned

    d_2ned Regular member

    Jan 27, 2003
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    kyseessä on levyn image. polta kyseinen tiedosto levylle tai avaa se daemon toolsilla tai vastaavalla ohjelmalla.

    4. What is a CD image

    A CD image is a track by track, sector by sector exact copy of a CD.
    The image contains everything on the CD - not only the files you can see and can normally copy and paste anywhere
    and anyway you want but also the File Allocation Table.
    The way a CD image is written, the file type it is put into, often determines its usefulness.
    Some CD image types are known not to work well with so-called mixed mode CD's; those are CD's that contain not only data but also audio and/or video.
    Some CD image file types are known only to one program, others to some and yet again others to all programs.

    7. About BIN/CUE

    A proprietary CD image file system used by CDRwin.
    It is known to be extremely accurate when making copies of CD's that are mixed mode; CD's that contain data as well as audio and/or video.
    The BIN file holds the actual CD image and, in and by itself, can also be burned to CD using Nero Burning ROM.
    The CUE file tells cdrwin at what time it needs to burn a mixed mode file( data and music), a data file, or a music file.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: the CUE file contains file paths that might NOT be accurate to YOUR setup.
    Always, always, always open the CUE file in Notepad, check the file paths and where needed edit them!

    Example of a CUE file:
    FILE "C:\MYDATA.ISO" BINARY <----You need to edit what's in parenthesis( parenthesis depend on your cdrwin version)
    TRACK 01 MODE1/2048
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    POSTGAP 00:02:00
    FILE "C:\MYAUDIO.WAV" WAVE <----Thats right, same thing here edit what's in parenthesis.
    PREGAP 00:02:00
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    INDEX 01 05:50:65
    INDEX 01 09:47:50

    Alternatively you can extract the BIN file using WinImage.
    When you extract a BIN using WinImage the program might not work if it is programmed to check for a CD.
    You can try looking for a CD crack at astalavista or in case of a game at gamecopyworld.

    Also, when extracted, the program might report errors concerning files or folders not found.
    In this case try extracting the BIN to the root folder.
    To extract a BIN start WinImage. Click on Open. In the file type box either select All Types.
    Browse to your BIN file and click on it. To extract choose Image, Extract and specify the location where you want the data to be extracted to.
    To extract one file, highlight the file and choose extract.

    edit: niin siis .bin - tiedostoon kuuluu olennaisena osana .cue - tiedosto, mutta onnistuu sen poltto ilman sitäkin.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2003
  3. torngark

    torngark Regular member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    Eikö se tarkoita sitä että elokuva on melko varmaan VCD josta on tehty image joten polta se image CD:lle esim CloneCD:llä tai sitten pura image.
  4. Spotter77

    Spotter77 Guest

    Kuinkas hyvä CloneCD on VCD/SVCD imagen polttoon. Neroon mulla alkaa mennä hermo. Tuhos multa just eilen 4 levyä tekemällä toimimatonta p***aa.
  5. d_2ned

    d_2ned Regular member

    Jan 27, 2003
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    vaihda nero 6:seen. nerolla oli ennen muutamaa viimeistä versiota suuria ongelmia binien poltossa. ja kuten tuosta aikaisemmasta replystä käy ilmi, bin on alunperin cdrwinin formaatti. clonecd polttaa siinä missä muutkin.

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