Bit confused. XP or hardware

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by Flobat, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. Flobat

    Flobat Regular member

    Aug 4, 2005
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    been having this problem with over 1x1GB system memory installed.
    everyime i install all 4x1GB modules everything corrupts and i actually wasnt able to install win xp pro..
    P5NSLi mobo had memory issues so i ordered DFI INFINITY P965-S DARK.
    i installed water blocks and all needed things onboard and installed it to case. booted up, 4gb memory OK multi boot screen appears and i select default Win XP pro gold.. it gives error with something like bios.inf is corrupt or missing.. well i booted my backup xp pro and it gives some other error
    i decided to install fresh XP and booted from cd.. it gets to the partitioning screen.. formatted my existing XPs and selected partition for my new xp..
    everything seems OK so far.. but about 40% of copying files it gives first error.. "something" cannot be copyed and i was like wtf.. exact same back when with P5NSLI..

    so i tried again and again and again. then removed 1 memory module, tried again and so on.. when got to 1x1GB memory no errors occured.. hmm?

    have i bought crap MB again? cant be possible!!

    so now i like to know whats with this memory problem.. if anyone has any kind of answer for this i would appriciate hearing it.. i dont need suggestions about trying differend things.. its not any setting. its not my XP installation disk(s) ( i tried all installation disks i found at our house)

    So only straight answers what it is or what could cause this..
    or how you have solved this problem in the past.

    sorry for messed up writing i will probly clean it up a bit.. later :p

    Regards JinX
  2. Indochine

    Indochine Regular member

    Dec 21, 2006
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    If you start saying what kind of answers you want, why are you bothering to ask? Sounds like you bought faulty or incompatible RAM.
  3. Flobat

    Flobat Regular member

    Aug 4, 2005
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    Nah.. ram is ok.. seems that its a problem with dimm slot 3 & 4..
    probably 965 chipset isn't very happy with all slots populated with double side Rams.

    I was looking for answers for only similar problems and how people have solved em.. i dint need any suggestions howto try to fix it because I tryed pretty much everything.

    need to wait for new bios update since board seems to be so nappy about what you stick in to it :D

    so dual channel doesnt work and that sucks.. but atleast its running now.
    and I got quite nice oc out of it..


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