i wanted to know, what is a bit torrent??? i have heard from ALOT of people from all over the web and from my frineds about bit-torrent, but none of them ever told me what it was. i heard you can download games movies and stuff from bit-torrent sites and you use a bit-torrent to open them. soo how does this bit-torrent thing works any how???
ok champ... see J Kwons bittorrent guide for all the information u will ever need to know ITS A BRILLIANT guide to start using Torrent..i suggest u have a good ISP though ADSL broadband etc .. basically you will need to download a torrent program like BitLOrd, Azureus just do a google search.. then u will need to find a torrent site.. ex www.torrentspy.com and u can search files and d/load etc etc much like the old days of napster etc but no bugs / spyware etc and quality downloads. BUT don't forget to Upload too cause u don't want to be listed as a leecher.. if u need to know anything else just ask....
i use azureus. its a top program, but takes over your computer (uses all your resources) you can also create your own torrent files with it. great little add on