Hi, I'm having some trouble at home. Someone is stealing all the bandwidth from the router, and I know it is because someone is using bittorrent. Is there a way to stop it from accessing the internet, or at least, using my router to download?
lock the router down and/or turn it off when your not useing it as anybody can crack the encryption of a router.
Yes, someone in my family is using bittorrent. I am using a wireless connection, but the one using the bittorrent is connected to the router through a cable. I am unable to find a stable fix for this problem. Solutions like changing the port number and unplugging the power supply are worthless. Those can be overcome easily.
Im at a loss as to what to do. as I have never had this problem and therefore dont know were to look for an answer. Who is the one downloading with bittorrent? a child? do you have "control" over their computer?
well you can log onto your router and you can actually block some programs from accesing the internet, is easy to knock the connection of a computer from your router, what brand and model of router you have, im familiar with netgear, linksys and dlink. maybe i can direct you in the right direction.