Hi, I bought a LiteOn LDW 451S DVD-+R/-+RW drive last Friday and thus just a newbie . I don't know if anyone can help me but here goes... I made a backup of my movie The Bourne Identity on a DVD-RW (a TDK). The SmartBurn utility that came with my LiteOn LDW - 451S drive told me the following information about the disk: Drive Type = DVD DUAL Disc Type = DVD-RW (Single Layer) Disc MID = 54 44 4B 35 30 32 (TDK502) Disc TID = 00 04 73 61 6B 75 (..saku) Nominal Capacity = 4.38GB Manufacturer Maybe = TDK Corporation SMART-BURN Speed Limit = 2.0X (Write) The method I used to create this backup was that exactly outlined in a DVDShrink Guide found at http://www.dvdr-digest.com/articles/articles.php?article_id=23. Namely: 1. Rip with DVDDecryptor to HDD 2. Use DVDShrink to compress and backup the DVD on HDD 3. Use ImgClassic Tool to create ISO 4. Burn with DVDDecryptor Now the backup played beautifully in: 1. a DVD player in my lounge room (made by Nintaus), 2. my PS2 3. an LG DVD player in my bedroom. So I thought I would burn the movie to a Ritek DVD-R disk. This way I could blank my DVD-RW and reuse it. According to the SmartBurn utility the info on these disks is: Drive Type = DVD DUAL Disc Type = DVD-R (Single Layer) Disc MID = 52 49 54 45 4B 47 (RITEKG) Disc TID = 00 04 30 34 00 00 (..04..) Nominal Capacity = 4.38GB Manufacturer Maybe = RiTEK Corporation SMART-BURN Speed Limit = 4.0X (Write) When I burned the movie to my Ritek disk, however, I decided that rather than using the ISO created by the ImgClassic Tool that I would simply use Sonic RecordNow DX v4.60 and burn the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS directories to the disk. I was trying this as I wanted to work out a way of saving myself the time (about 20-30mins) of creating the iso on my HDD. After I burnt the disk, with a MAX setting in RecordNow DX, it worked in all three machines - the Nintaus, LG and PS2 about 2-3 times within the hour of creating it. However, a few hours later I tried to play the disk in my Nintaus and discovered that it would only load intermittently. And would not load in my PS2 at all. However the disk still worked in the LG Player every time. So I thought maybe that I burnt the disk at too high a speed for the Nintaus and PS2 machine. After burning the disk again on the min setting the same thing happened. To me this is odd that the disk would work at first and then only load on occassions, but when it does load work absolutely great in all machines. (Note the machines appear to be working properly as they are playing all my original DVD's perfectly - loading first instance everytime) Not knowing what to do I thought I would go back and use the same exact method as I used when I wrote to the TDK disk but this time to a Ritek. Since I already had the files for the image created by the ImgTool I simply burned it to another Ritek with DVDDecryptor at a speed of 1x. The disk worked perfectly in all my machines. So, I used this same method to backup an Adult film I have and The Highlander (with Christopher Lambert). Now the adult film worked okay. But the The thing is that using this method it takes between 2hrs and 2.5hrs to make a backup. But if I depart from the method the Ritek's do not work in my Nintaus DVD player or PS2. I was wondering whether anyone can advise me on what may be going on. Since, the backup works well in the LG as well as the other machines when I get it to load when I follow the proccess I figure there cant be much wrong. Is it simply the Ritek's? A incompatability issue between these disks and the machines. I wouldnt have thought so since it appears that I can write "good" backups on these disks. However, I am about to try some other disks today. Is it something in the programs I'm using. Why can't I simply burn the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS directories creating a data disk in RecordNow DX?
Dazgan, Truly a puzzlement hey my friend ?? How about taking Mr. Disc to the cleaners. Sounds like it was working great then, not working. Perhaps fingerprints, or something on the surface you placed the disc on ?? Could one of your readers in a player have some dirt across a lens ?? Where did Mr. DVD travel after he left his nice warm burner - that's the path that needs to be explored. "P"
Well I used a different brand of DVD-R media ("MAXMAX" is printed on the top of the disk) today and absolutely no problems at all. Worked in all my machines. These disks are cheaper then the Ritek's. As for a dirty lens in a player, that is a possibility. I really must buy a DVD cleaning kit for my machines. I simply keep forgetting. On the topic of cleaning DVD players, I was wondering what should one use to clean the lens in DVD writers and CD writers? Or is this not recommended. Also what should one use to clean disks? Dazgan
Dazgan, Glad you're up and running - The disc that you had trouble with, was that an RW media ?? For cleaning, Alcohol with a soft cotton cloth works well on discs. Just a few drops, don't over do it - As for your lens ? Well, I use a cleaner disc I got from Radio Shack. I also use a neat little disc cleaner I bought there too. Insert disc, spray a few drops and turn the little handle, it cleans in a small circular just like you should do if you are cleaning with a cloth and alcohol. Pete
Pete, No the disk I was having trouble with was a DVD-R. Anyways I probably won't need to worry now. Round circular motion for cleaning disk? I was under the impresssion that you use strokes from the middle of the disk to the outside. Well thats the way I've usually cleaned my CD's. I think I may head to Tandy (Australia's version of Radio Shack) and see what I can pick up. As for Alcohol, just any old type of Alcohol. You mean like grab my bottles of Jim Beam or Cougar and give a drop to my disk and a few squigs for myself Anyways thanks for the help. Dazgan
Dazgan, I say "Damn Boy" if you be that free with the sippin' stuff, I headed south for the winter - LOL If ya like ta stroooook your disc well, all I can say is - what ever makes your little discs happy - - (really wonderin' about my new friend from "Down Under" Good luck, Good Guy - Pete