black screen

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by munkey, Apr 26, 2004.

  1. munkey

    munkey Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    ok i have read through all the threads, if i missed the answer i am sorry. i did all the suggestions a million times over (codec installs and configs) to view a downloaded movie (from kazaa). what happens is the divx icon shows at the bottom right but thats all; no sound or video. same results if i play it in the divx player. i am just going to assume that it is a bogus move, well all are bogus. i downloaded about 50 movies (same movie) from 50 different kazaa users, kinda hard to believe that they are all bogus, is there something i could be missing.

    FYI (what i am running)
    win xp pro
    media player 9 + codecs
    latest divx bundle
    nemo w/sugested configs
    other suggestions from this site.
  2. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    yes the files you downloaded are fake.
    the kazaa fast track network is absolutely crammed full of fake bogus files, the reason is that the MPAA(movie producers association of america) pay people to share fake files, the RIAA(record industries association of america) also do the same thing with mp3 files. thats the reason i uninstalled that crap years ago.

    either the people you downloaded off are working for the MPAA, or they are ppl just like you that dont know if its a real or fake file and are just sharing it anyway.
  3. munkey

    munkey Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    thanks for the info and the quick response. do you have any suggestions for alternatives to kazaa?
  4. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    have a look at the file sharing applications threads in the general discussion section of the forum, im sure you'll find a few alternatives to kazaa there
  5. munkey

    munkey Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    very kool man thanks!

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