Hi For a shot time I can't play encoded ratDVD files. It doesn't matter which program I use. The screen is black and there is no sound. Is that a new feature of version 0.78.1444? I would be grateful for any workable solution - please help cya edlin
You can try to download ace mega codecs, that worked when I had that problem. That's a prgram that searches codecs that you need to play the movie.
Unfortunately it didn't work. But I recognized that only my StarTrek DVDs don't work - other DVDs do. Maybe ratDVD is not longer compatible to my StarTrek DVDs. cu edlin
Maybe so, that's too bad But now I,ve got the same problem with a movie (equilibrium). I got no picture, only sound Do you know any thing to do? Thanks Robin
Maybe it is because of the new version - the older one worked fine - also with all StarTrek DVDs. Hopefully will the next version of ratDVD be better, especially concerning the compatibility.
Sorry, no idea. I can only find the newest version. Splinter's suggestion was to uninstall all other codecs but it didn't work. Maybe there is still something left -so possibly there is no other solution than to reinstall the OS.
First if you want older builds of ratDVD check out filehippo.com Second if you want ratDVDs to play then please try my solution which is detailed in the link in my sig.