i made a back up of max payne to a dvd-rw using record now software. EvoX recognizes theres a game in the console but when it trys to boot it up the screen gose blank and stays like that. dose anyone know if record now actually works and is it better then making an iso ...............
alot of people use recordnow.. i prefer to make an iso with GDFImage and burn to DVD.. seems to work better for me.. dont use xIUSO tho as it is a big hassle
dose recordnow work with all games or do you have to patch some. {i dont know y its not playing the game if all the infos on the dvd} ill try using GDFimage and let you know how it gose
i have XBMP but it won't read the svcd or media discs, do i have to stream it or something. I got Record now to work it just didnt work with max payne and spider man. dont know y.