BlindWrite 5

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by killa85rz, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. killa85rz

    killa85rz Guest

    i just got the full version of BlindWrite 5 and tried to copy a protected game and it didn’t work, could some1 please tell me the best settings in BlindWrite 5 to use.
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    The settings depend on what protection you're trying to back up. The first step would be to download A-Ray Scanner to identify what protection and what version of said protection we're up against. Let us know what we're dealing with and we can take it from there :)

    You might as well pick up BlindWrite5 Tweaker since you'll need it as well:
  3. killa85rz

    killa85rz Guest

    i got the A-Ray Scanner but i couldt get BlindWrite5 Tweaker to work.
  4. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Ok you got A-Ray, so what protection does your game use?

    What exactly is Tweaker not doing?
  5. killa85rz

    killa85rz Guest

    when i download the file it wont open or do anything.A-Ray says the protection is [15:04:21 PM] Signs on CD/DVD indicate SafeDisc 2/3
    [15:04:21 PM] --- File(s) Scan Finished [0.14s] ---

  6. killa85rz

    killa85rz Guest

    ok iv got BlindWrite 5 Tweaker working
  7. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    BW5 is only good up to SafeDisc 3.20 so I need to know what game you're trying to back up in order to find the exact version of SafeDisc we're up against.
  8. killa85rz

    killa85rz Guest

    o soz i thought i had told you its flight simulator 2004
  9. killa85rz

    killa85rz Guest

    iv also got cloneCD but someone told me BW5 was better
  10. killa85rz

    killa85rz Guest

    please need help copying flight sim plz help me
  11. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Ok it seems your game is SafeDisc 2.9 so with a good burner it should be no problem for BW5. I can't upload images to my webspace at the moment I'll have to take you through it step by step.

    Open BW Tweaker and you should see the Basic Settings tab where you want to:

    - Uncheck "Include Autoplay info"

    - Change "Max Read Speed" to 4X

    - Change "Write Speed CD" to 4X

    Everything else can be left default

    Now go to the "Topology" tab:

    - Under "Writing Topology" select "Do Not Write Topology"

    - Under "Read Topology" select "Never Extract"

    Leave everything else default.

    Once you have these setting you can hit the "Run BlindWrite" button and BW5 will automatically open up. Select the drives you want to use and proceed as normal.

    What make/model burner are you using?

  12. killa85rz

    killa85rz Guest

    its a imation dvd and cd burner i dont know the exact model but its one of the latest.

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