Blockbuster ruined my PS2 Disc

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by cessusban, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. cessusban

    cessusban Member

    Jun 8, 2009
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    Hello everyone,

    My San Andreas disc was functional up until I leave the safehouse, I brang it to Blockbuster to get it cleaned. Using the buffer type thing.

    When I put the disc back into my PS2, it is rendered completely useless. so Blockbuster have ruined my San Andreas disc, can I have them give me a brand new copy of the disc?
  2. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    cessusban- well That depends ??? Me not being a lawyer I can't give you a deffinitve yes or no answer { Damn I sound Just like A politician !!!!} Sad but true ! BUt I would think That if You Paid for that service {REPAIR } and did'nt Sign a waiver or Contract that specifically Exempts them from any liabillities for Damages to your Game, Movie or Software Disc ? Then I would Think They should Replace it for you ( Just my opinion mind you ! What you Could try is go in there (BLOCKBUSTER when they are really Busy And See what they say ?I would talk loud You want all the Customers to hear !!!! Especially if they try to Brush you off !!!! ask Nicely first mind you !!!! then Get lOUD An Noisy if they don't give you redress or respect !!!! . Never fall for the step into my office or outside where we can discus your problem !!!! This is what they want ! if they can say it there they can say it right smack dab in the store proper Imho anyways ! So yes I think they should Take care of you and replace your game !!! Gould Luck my friend
  3. varnull

    varnull Guest

    I can't work out why somebody would take a perfect disk in to have it messed with... and the TOS is clear that they will try to repair your damaged disk.. if they fail there is no liability on their part.

    We have no more than your word it was working.. and using this repair service implies to me (as somebody who worked in customer services) that it WAS faulty before the repair was attempted... otherwise why take it there in the first place.

    With those doubts if it was down to me to decide I would say sorry.. no chance... we aren't replacing it.

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