How sweet is this program? I been with netflix customer for 1 year and 1/2. I switch to Blockbuster as soon as i heard this. The best part is you can rent games once a month. Keep up the good work Blockbuster. So anyone swicher from netflix like me?
My neighbor have it and says it's excellent. His GF was a Netflix user and BB is much more convenient because you can turn in your movies at a store and get new ones rather than mail them back. BB will send out your next movies as soon as you return the movies you exchanged at the store. Apparently, BB also doesn't throttle your shipments the way Netflix does either. The only downside is that Blockbuster's website is damn near unusable, and has a habit of crashing browsers.
I used Wal-Mart for a year, then quit. I just signed up with BB and received my first three movies Monday. I returned them to local store, received three movies from store and next day got e-mal that next three movies from my queue has been mailed. (Got the first mailing on third day. Seems GREAT so far.
yup.BB is quick here in the uk too.Although they might not have a massive selection,they dont ruin the labels and send them out real quick.Lovefilm on the other hand is a differant matter.They throttle your deliveries( i have a 3 disk unlimited that stops at about 15 disks a month...unlimited my arse)real slow turnaround and most of the disks are scratched to hell.
BB is been lazy for me lately. Takes two days to ship my dvds. They don't ship my dvds right away anymore. If they still want me to use BB they better start shipping my dvds.