you know there are ways to get loads of msn winks for free (no doubt youve got some ) is there any way of getting all the winks from blue mountain through that msn messenger downloader window or any other way if you dont understand me??? and if there is any more winks it notifies you and downloads the new winks!!! i would also like to dload other content like moods but for now this will do (but if you no a way for the whole website that would be great) you can download a whole winks pack and emoticons all u need to do is download the installer and then the packs, next double clik on any wink you want and the automatic installer should install. There's more than 100 I think, too many winks slow down msn messenger dramatically. I like to use more custom emoticons. P.S. If you want to download your one free wink... Legally... then jus pick a wink in the noral messenger download box and when it asks you for a speical pin just type bluemountain and you will get your 1 free wink, only 1. Hope this helped
I like to say thank you for postin this casue they are dreamin if they think for animation like that people are goin to bother puttin $$$ towards it
No prob, btw the site is gonna be updated very soon and tis gonna have all the new winks like 'Darth Vader Fart' and also new emoticons
you have asked for all the winks, well they are all on my site. also ones that are not offered to all countries. you also have everyt DDP there. so if you are after more?? there are no more mate Enjoy my site while it lasts
Scratch the previous ! I found it.... amazing what Google can come up with..... Nice picture in the intro.... what a hunk !!!! A x
LOLL yep. Does anybody else know a few sites similiar to matthuffs but with different things like cool msgplus sounds ?
try this site and we have winks that are not even out yet!! the forum is the place to get winks from other members that are sharing and to get access to my newest winks before the others
Question on the matthuffy site. Tried to install loader for winks and window came up stating the content installation failed . please try again later. Any ideas of help would be appreciated.
i cant believe it...the legendary matthuffy is on MY I wanna ask u how do u do it. i love your site
how do i do what man?? i just hope that you all like the site, it has been drasticaly updated and there are many new things for you there. unfortunatly i am missing 6 winks but, go to programs (on my site and there is a great program for you to download now check it out and see what you can get I also have a forum there now, that you can ask for what you want and then i can add it. so it will save you serching for things!
My site can be found at and it is advised to join the forum lol
matthuffy there r 3 cola winks near the bottom which dont work and i want them really badly they are in the individual winks section