I have installed an Xecutor 3 CE chip and flashed it to version 3249 of the Xecuter bios. I was going to use slayers to do the autoinstall, but the DVD would not boot. I have a Thompson drive so I thought it may be a media problem, but I have tried a couple media types including Sony DVD+R. Finally, I tried to but a game disk into the system, but the game does not load. The X3 bios screen shows my DVD drive in the hardware info section, so I know that the drive is being detected. Should I be able to load a game without a dashboard installed? If so, what is required to boot a game? (i.e. Loading the game normally from the original DVD not a backup) Thanks, -temujin
yu-8, thanks for the reply. I had made isos and burned them, but they would not load. That was when I tried games. I was not able to play with this until today. In the X3 Live screens I reset the X3 to defaults. After that, games would boot, as would the isos that I had burned. Still do not know what the issue was, but at least it is working. Thanks again. -temujin