Hi lads i have starview 4 usb box reading invalid box but channels still working i didnt turn the box off yet , can i reflash 1.12 firmware on it without turning off the box and will this problem go then ????
as soon as you turn it off its fooked im afraid .. same thing happened to me .. its either a clone or its one of the older boxes and the new firmware kills it for some reason .
its defo not a clone mate been getting boxes off skywonder for over 2years now all genuine.... so if i flash firmware from usb stick with box on when it reboots it will die yeah ???? cheers
interesting one power off and box will die,is it under warranty if so if it dies send back,no heatsink then under vents then.early box then.putting in usb when box is on you will get the 8882,you will need a max32 interface to bring that back.if box is dead you cant.
im not sure if you put the v109 for uk on it if it will break i the process but if you got that firmware on it you could send it to the uk and sell it but get a second opinion before you try and flash it as i dont want to be responsible for breaking your box a day short