Brand new DVD reading full?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by pottsy, Apr 16, 2004.

  1. pottsy

    pottsy Guest

    I have tried to burn DVD's but keep coming up with the same error message - that a brand new empty DVD is full. I have checked on properties with various new DVD's but systems states that the disc is full. If I check a CDR on properties, I am told that the disc is empty.

    This is an updated thread from my last entry.

    Your thoughts please.
  2. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    Your other post stated something about Nero 6 (before I deleted it*) and after transcoding it told you that there was not enough room on media inserted in DVD Writer...

    What exactly were you trying to burn etc , give all the details you can as it would be only mere speculation as to your problem.

    * Please do NOT in future start another thread on the same matter just becuase you hadn't recieved an answer within a few hrs.
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    Last edited: Apr 16, 2004
  3. pottsy

    pottsy Guest

    oops, sorry.

    The facts are that if an empty disc is checked on My Computer, then Properties, the display indicates that the brand new disc is full. I get so far with Nero Vision Express in burning a film, then it comes up with 'not enough space, insert new disc', when I know that the whole film will easily fit on one disc.
    I thought that it might have been the make of discs, so I have bought some different makes and all say the same thing. All full according to Properties.
    Is there something that I need to do first - formatting?
  4. Trom

    Trom Regular member

    Apr 8, 2004
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    I am new to all this however I have observed when using WinXP the Properties function it always gives incorrect details ie: Used Space: 1.87, Free Space: 0. This would be on a 4.7GB disk. If I reboot and check again it can give a different reading. I now always use Nero to check the disk usage.
  5. ken0042

    ken0042 Regular member

    Apr 17, 2003
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    How far along are you getting the error burning? Some discs will not hold the full 4464 MB; when I shrink a disc I always set it to 4444 MB.

    Also could be a media issue. I used to use cheap media, now I buy nothing but Ritek. (Branded Ri-Data)
  6. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    [bold]I get so far with Nero Vision Express in burning a film, then it comes up with 'not enough space, insert new disc', when I know that the whole film will easily fit on one disc.
    Ah , this is what I thought see !! It is sometimes a problem when using N.V.E (Nero VisionExpress) , as others have told me that Nero wanted to use 22Gb of HDD space before burning project [and of course no compression app such as DVD Shrink / DVD2One will take that what would the quality be even if they could].
    Nero is no encoder , it is as buggy as anything. I personally use MainConcept MPEG Encoder 1.4 to encode [good video quality & so quick it's incredible] , even though I'm an avid user of Nero 6 Ultra ;-)

    Blank DVD media is actually 4.37GB *wink*
  7. pottsy

    pottsy Guest

    Thanks for the help. I am useing NVE, so it could be that. I will try your suggestions. But I still do not understand why the disc says full in properties. I think the media could be the problem. Please keep the help coming. Pottsy
  8. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    You haven't mentioned at any time what media you ARE using...?
  9. pottsy

    pottsy Guest

    The media I have tried, ranges from bulk pac,mirror platinum, RiDisc.They all say full in properties. I was able to copy a disc with, alot of trouble. I am stating to think it could be the format the films are in, that NVE cannot transcode properly, and in stead of saying cannot transcode it says disc full.
  10. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    Nero VisionExpress is NOT good (for the last time) !!!

    How big is the output of the 'transcoding' project you did , smaller than 4.36Gb ?
  11. pottsy

    pottsy Guest

    Just over 3Gb.I got it to burn 2/3 then it fired it out.I am going to try a different burner. But at least I know the DVDr is working even though it will not recognize the disc being there. Any suggestion as to an alternative burner/transcoder.
  12. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    [bold]MainConcept MPEG Encoder 1.4[/bold] is a very good encoder (is what I use myself).

    You'd then convert MPEG2 (produced by MainConcept) with [bold]TMPGEnc DVD Author 1.5[/bold] to create VOB/BUP/IFO files.
    If under 4.36Gb then burn straight off with Nero or if over 4.36Gb then shrink using DVD2One or DVD Shrink etc..

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