Bricked ipod touch???

Discussion in 'iPhone - Unlocking and hacking' started by zero9121, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. zero9121

    zero9121 Regular member

    Dec 26, 2007
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    i was installing logome on to my touch so that i could give my start up screen a custom picture. when i was done picking my picture it asked me if i was sure i wanted to flash my ipod i said yes and it flashed. when i shut down the ipod to see me new screen it wouldnt turn on. my question is:is the ipod bricked and do i have to put the firmware on it again or is their a way for me to recover my ipod and keep all the things already installed on it. Thanks.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  2. visthis

    visthis Guest

    Hey I had the same problem.
    1.All I did was uninstalled itunes 8.
    2.Then installed 7.5 itunes.
    3.Then itunes found it and put v1.5 on it. From there you can upgrade.

    Note: You will need your computer seeing something for a usb in order for this to work. I had the same problem with logome.

    If you have any questions email at no email posting edited by ddp or search on
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2009

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