I got my viper today and I'm gonna be installing it in a couple days, but first I have just one question. I've heard a lot of talk about not needing to solder the bridge if you have a BBA hooked up because the BBA makes the bridge, but I haven't actually heard any definite responses to this. So I need to know for sure if the BBA makes soldering the bridge unnecessary because I'd rather have it set up so all I have to do is disconnect the BBA in order to disconnect the viper. Thanks.
I find it hard to believe that no one knows the answer to this. could someone please let me know. thanks.
Wish I could help, but if I where you I'd just do the mod, leave the bridge off and tested yourself. I was told that the Platinum 1.2 dol101 version doesn't work with the chip and I modded it anyways just to see for myself. Well, they were right. So why don't you blaze the trail and test it out then you can let us all know. Happy testing.
well, for anyone who wanted to know and don't already know...I installed my viper saturday without connecting the bridge and I'm happy to report that the chip does indeed work without it if you have the BBA connected