
Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Mash4077, Mar 12, 2004.

  1. Mash4077

    Mash4077 Guest

    I live in Belfast and i want Broadband. It seems there is BT AOL Tiscali and Freeserve to choose from.(NTL is not an option as we have sky) I need a 512 connection ! Wich one is the best?
  2. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    [bold]NOTE: Any views expressed in this post are my PERSONAL VIEWS only, and do NOT constitute any statement of fact, and CANNOT be construed as giving advice.
    My PERSONAL VIEWS as expressed here are based on my OWN EXPERIENCES ONLY.[/bold]

    In my experience they are restrictive, and the software they insist you use can have a nasty affect on you system (instability etc).
    My STRONG suspicion is that they use bait-and-switch tactics, you get a fast & reliable service during your trial period (the period in which you have broadband, but still have the legal right to terminate the contract), but within a month or so, your service level (speed/reliability) SEEMS to drop (this has ALWAYS been DENIED by AOL Helpdesk) - but then you are trapped in a 12 month contract !!
    This I have been unable to PROVE as yet, as the AOL helpdesk has ALWAYS DENIED the reduction of Quality of Service, in my experience I have seen more problems with AOL than any other.

    Depending on your INTENDED usage, Tiscali may or may not be good for you, they are proposing/trialling a couple of packages based on time limits & download limits - If you are going to be a light user maybe they might be good for you - investigate!!!

    Freeserve has always seemed reliable, with good tech support (but watch out for the tech support phone charges if you use them):
    I have Installed a number of Freeserves offerings for friends/colleagues without any problems.

    BT is Big Momma of ADSL, though they sometimes have problems with their servers (rare) but they are always fixed quickly.
    People like to knock BT (big company and all), but in general they supply a reliable, fast service (COSTLY THO'): you pay for what you get.

    Just my opinion ;)

    Shame about NTL!!

    Hope this helps...
  3. DaOsT

    DaOsT Regular member

    Nov 6, 2003
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    not adding to drchips but I agree on the AOL issue I would not thank ya fot it its basically shit n belongs on a heap

    on the cable issue I run blueyonder 1mbit ere n have sky tv whats the issue with sky n blueyonder not over there?? just outta intrest??
  4. Scrye

    Scrye Guest

    You mean AO-Hell?

  5. Mash4077

    Mash4077 Guest

    blueyonder is not available in NI, it seems BT is the best option so far.
  6. DaOsT

    DaOsT Regular member

    Nov 6, 2003
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    Mash I had bt dial up ooohhhh over 2 years back n close to the end there distribution what I paid for was a fuckin disgrace but now I heard they have improved ,,,,, best of look

    keep us informed its how we all learn::))
  7. leviticus

    leviticus Regular member

    Jan 25, 2004
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    I think AOL is even getting sick of all the sample cd's they send out(ex. 1045 Hours Free!!!), because I remember seeing a commercial that AOL made where they made a fish out of the cds then Snoop Dogg came in and said something. It was still a promotion for AOL 9.0, which sucks anyways.

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