OK one day about a year ago I played my DS. After I was done, I threw it in my backpack but after I pulled it out later, it wouldn't turn on. When I try to charge it, it will only charge for a second before it stops. Is this because of my battery being broken, or is there some other problem?
have you tried different chargers? also, maybe the charger socket thing on the ds is a little messed up.
Well, I might need a different charger, but it was very sudden. If the part inside of the ds is messed up, what can I do about that?
It could be that you just "threw it" into your backpack. It's possible that it got banged up in your back pack.
Well it could have been banged up but my DS has been through much worse then being thrown into a backpack. It had charge when I turned it off. Its as though the battery suddenly drained itself.
if you do need to get a replacement battery, then buy one online. the only one i know for now is at dealextreme.com they sell an extra internal bettery and i think it includes the screwdriver to unscrew the ds apart