Hi can someone tell me how i go about performing a bruteforce scan i am trying to get all my lost channels back and am at somewhat of a loss here,any help would be appreciated cheers Col.
you can ftp the required files into the box or flash a new commandi image which already has bruteforce. what do you mean by lost channels
Well since ive been messing about with the box ie hooking it up to the pc and trying to get it to record and view photos on tv it seems to have lost alot of channels might not be anything to do with this may just be a coincidence, but have lost alot of channels, have been advised to do a brute force scan but am still a bit green with alot of the procedures i have just done another scan not bruteforce and its still the same, the info comes up in the bar at the bottom but blank screen, any help appreciated cheers mate.
my advice would be to copy your keys from this image. flash with commando 7 ftp the copied keys back into the box the new image has bruteforce as part of the menu. you can download commando 7 from the team commando website
Thanks for your advice well i have just successfully flashed my first image and i feel great everything up and running again.