
Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by willya29, Dec 23, 2004.

  1. willya29

    willya29 Guest

    can the drivers for a pixelview play tv pro card be used with a pixelview play tv mpeg 2 capture card? Or are any other better drivers available for the mpeg card and, if so, where can I find them. willya28
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    did you check manufacturer site for updated drivers
  3. willya29

    willya29 Guest

    Yes. They have no updated drivers and the originals are not all that good. I am trying to find something better. If I can't, I may get a different tuner card. I am not satisfied. The picture on this card is good, but I have trouble getting sound with various capture and encoding programs.(virtual dub, Nero 6.0, Dscaler.etc). I do get sound with win intervideo dvr, but then I have problems with that file format copying to disk.


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