As some of you already know from the IRC channel, Mrs B and I are having a baby in about 5 weeks. We had an ultrasound and the damn thing wouldn't open it's legs and show us what sex it is. Soooo, I thought "hey lets take bets on what sex it'll be and what date it'll be born". Currently it is due on the 12th of June. I'm placing my bet on it being a boy and being born on the 2nd of june. Mrs B puts her bet on it being a boy and being born on the 30th of may. P.S. Better have a crack at guessing the weight too. I'm gonna say 7lbs
Hi B & Mrs B - had to join in Definitely a boy Will be born 03 June about 8lb Best wishes to you both
My son thinks May 23rd - Girl (but what does he know!?! It just his birthday - hang on!! does that mean he wants to be a girl???? best go talk to him....)
duno about dates..coz im thick about that kinda stuff .. but a boy and around 8.5 poumds .. ummm..wat the hell..after 10 th of june
I agree, my guess is 7lbs , But it'll be a girl, being born on the 11 of june !! and Bubba, i wish you a happy birthday of your little bubba !!
Ok... Its going to be a boy and born on the 9th June [cause thats my b'day ] And its name is going to be...... Corey, cause thats such a nice name
Now you know my cool @ss self had to join in.... Boy June 10th 5pm (australia time of course) will be partly cloudy, Sun will be in the north east direction with slight winds of 15mph and the weight will be: 7.5lbs LMAO!!!
Defo a boy ,born on the 12th of july,15lb we bubba will be ,and i bet bubba passes oot at the birth. hehehe all the best the bub's.
well...bubba has created a spreadsheet with all your bets, so i suppose i better figure out a prize for the winner. cant be money really as the exchange rate between countries buggers that up. any suggestions appreciated. and all of you placing weight bets OVER 7lb...may you rot in hell. lol. personally i want it to be 6lb. mrs taz - lol@your son. good on him for breaking the boy trend, although i kinda hope he isnt right. i'd love a little boy. venom - lmao. if you are actually spot on with that prediction i'm going to have to get some sort of mega prize for you. carefree & jizmak - lol..your so cruel to poor bubba!
the baby comes when it comes unless is forced to come out. as long as the baby is healthy & normal, congrats to the 3 of you!!
ddp - i know it comes when it comes...just thought it might be fun to do this. i know for a fact that i will be induced so i dont go past june 12th due to medical issues. neojapan - aren't we all just guessing? lol.
well if it looks anything like bubba its gona be an ugly little boy on the other hand if it takes after mum you'll be alright : ) just kidding mate - my guess 8lb boy on the 2nd
Great news Bet you can't wait ?? Right I will go for a boy on the 8th of June. 7.8 lbs Best of luck to you both .......