Buffers in XP

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by boris, Mar 17, 2003.

  1. boris

    boris Member

    Mar 4, 2002
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    I have bought some old games that require buffers.
    As in XP,dosprompt does not commes with buffers, HOW CAN I ADD Buffers=x in this dosprompt in order to XP reconizes them.
  2. Liquid86

    Liquid86 Guest

    What are the games, I have run into this a few times and you may be out of luck in some cases. If I can get some more info, I can probably help you.
  3. boris

    boris Member

    Mar 4, 2002
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    the game is X-COM 3.It was a wizard that reconizes minimum requirements and as he can't find buffers=40 does not allow to install\run the game.
  4. Liquid86

    Liquid86 Guest

    Oh gosh, now I understand!!!! Ok...Buffers were strictly a DOS thing, it was part of how DOS ran and really wasn't something that could be extracted/installed. The number 40 or in your first post "x" referred to a level at which they operated at, not the quantity there were. Since XP doesn't have anything close to real DOS (your command prompt is for XP, it only looks like DOS and only emulates is on a limited level) it doesn't have the buffers this game is looking for (if any at all, im not sure of the grity details on XP). I don't think there even is a way to put these bufferes in, however there may be a program out there (actually, there must be) that can emulate a DOS environment better and let you run the app. Try looking for one of these, otherwise, go pick up an old dos machine for 40 bucks. lol, I'm sorry this wasn't much help, but if nothing I hope you have a better understanding of why it won't work.

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