So, I need a new gaming computer and I dont know much about them. So hope that someone wiser than me could build me computer. What I mean is to find good parts and post them to this discussion. Maximum price would be about 1000e.
$1000.00 as max huh? Hmmm. I can help with that... Mobo: Asus Crosshair $239.99 CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 $179.99 Ram: Kingston 2 x 4gig (8gig total) $54.99 GPU x 2: Sapphire Radeon HD 5570 $64.99 each ($129.98) Now assuming you need a case and PSU here you go... PSU: Corsair Enthusiast TX750 (750watt) $109.00 Case: Sunbeam Transformer case $69.99 I just love how the case looks, that's why i picked it. Overall this is a really descent system for only a mear $718.95 before tax and rebates. My system only sports about half of this stuff and can easily handle Crysis 2 on full display settings. You will wnat to run a 64-bit OS, just so you know. Otherwise 8gig of ram is useless. So assuming you will be re-using all HDD's and DVD drives, this should get you going real good. If not, just use the left over $200 and grab a 1T hdd and a basic dvd writer.