Building a pc right NOW !!!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by SONY007, Mar 10, 2003.

  1. SONY007

    SONY007 Member

    Oct 17, 2002
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    I'm building my first pc and i'm near the end I think, but i'm not sure if i'm meant to install a graphics card i've bought now or when there is a OS on the h/d. I don't think the m/b as on board graphics but i'm not sure as I don't know what to look for !!!

    Epox 8RDA+ nForce2 (Socket A) Motherboard (MB-019-EP)
  2. monzaman

    monzaman Guest

    Read my tips on installing XP Pro in the thread 'Win XP Opens Files Slow' for the answer!

    PS. If you actually READ these pages before posting you wouldn't need to ask. Don't be BONE IDLE!!!!!!!

  3. Liquid86

    Liquid86 Guest

    You're gonna wanna insall that card before you turn the machine on for the first time...after all, you're gonna need something to look at when you're putting in an OS. As for having on board video, look at your motherboard, look at the ports on it. If you have a monitor port, then you have on board video. There is always a way to disable onboard, be it a jumper or through the CMOS...refer to your manual for instructions...hope this helps! (btw, if it says "nForce2" thats on-board video)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2003
  4. chriso123

    chriso123 Regular member

    Jun 2, 2002
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    Hey good luck man. First time i tried to build my PC I wrongly wired the USB ports and blew up the motherboard and CPU. Second time I tried (all other parts were OK) it worked perfectly.
  5. Liquid86

    Liquid86 Guest

    Ouch sucks destroying good components...One more thing on the initial thread: If you have onboard video, then use that, as XP may not have built-in drivers for your new card but your motherboard will have the drivers for its onboard ready to go, and yes, for greater detail, check out monzaman'sm explanation.
  6. SONY007

    SONY007 Member

    Oct 17, 2002
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    Ok i'm not sure if I've done something wrong here but here goes. I've installed everything 1 h/d and a cd rom so far, installed the graphics card, installed the Barton 3000+ with the heatsink and the ram (consair 512) and the m/b is a Epox 8RDA+ nForce2 (Socket A) Motherboard (MB-019-EP). Ok that done I turned the new pc on for the time and it started ok I think it seemed to say no drive found by I just thought maybe I just have to configure the Cmos or bios whichever one it is. But the part that got me a bit freak was at the bottom it said:

    Warning! CPU has been changed or over clocked failed. Please re-enter cpu setting in cmos setup and remember to save before quit!

    Now I ask you guy and girls "SHOULD I BE WORRIED" I don't even know how to overclock. And i'm certain the jumpers on the motherboard where correct. I get the option to press DEL to go in the Cmos, is that what I need to do? And if anyone knows the parts i've use can you give me an idea of the setting I should change and to what? I'm going to look back at the m/b user guide for now but I would love to get my new pc up and running tonight if possible !!!!
  7. monzaman

    monzaman Guest

    I didn't know that this board used jumpers. Anyway go into the BIOS and check, check and double check your FSB speeds and set memory options at default (safe) timings DONT use aggresive timings. These can all be changed when you've loaded the OS. You did read my post in 'Win XP opens files slow' didn't you, *you know the post that explains how to install XP?* By the way which model Athlon are you using as your board IS an o/clrs wet dream and could well be set to all the fastest settings which, unfortunatly for you for your first XP install will make life rather awkward. So check the CPU's FSB rating underclock if pos.

    Installing the OS is NOT like running the PC for general use you HAVE TO set up the mobo/BIOS/disc drives etc for the benefit of the install. This is the MOST CPU intensive time your pc will EVER run forget advanced games and apps their not in the same league as an XP install. If possible disable your onboard audio (6.1, XP won't have clue) and LAN and remove ALL unnecessary pci cards. Use NTFS file system when prompted (DONT even think about FAT32) and things should go smoothly, oh, and remember what I said about graphics cards when installing!

    PS You'll have one mean machine when its up and runnin'!! Great specs.

    Chriso 123
    USB port problem? Bin there done that, it hurts!! Why are mobo schematics so CRAP are they viewed from above (the mobo) or below (the connectors)???

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