building a web page

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by EL_BURNER, Jan 1, 2006.


    EL_BURNER Guest

    Hi Guys... can anyone explain to me how to build my own web page for free or if not what software should I get to walk me through it...thanks
  2. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    To put up a webpage -- you must first find a webhost -- some are free and will let you have a bit of bandwidth and little space in exchange for a banner !
    Pick your choice here , there's 100 of them :-

    Next you have to learn the basics of HTML -- again if you google the acronym you will find loads of websites offering tutorials.HTML is very easy to learn ; I would say that in less then an hour you would be able to put up your first page.

    Some of them freehosts will offer a WYSIWYG sort of program to help you make your first page. -- Those are a bit crude and do not give you much choice to customize.

    Dont forget that you can get GOOD webhosting with a reasonable amount of space and bandwidth for around 60$ US a year (( No Banners )). My website is hosted by Bluehost for the last 5 years and I have nothing but good comments to offer. In choosing the webhost what counts is the allocation of bandwidth you are getting and the amount of space you are entitled.

    A word of caution -- some webhosts are fly by night outfit that will go offline and leave you with no web page quite frequently. Others will restrict you to certain size images -- or not allowed contents like Mp3 ---- In other words you get what you pay for -- if it's free, you not the one that decides -- !
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2006

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