i would like to have the XFX GeForce 8800 GT Video Card, becuase i heard its the new hotness. I also like the AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+. I'm in need of advice for a motherboard. If you have advice on a decent power supply that could run this, that would help too.
The 8800gt is a great card. I would suggest looking at the new 9600gt as well though. Either one will serve you well. Motherboards and cpus depends on what you are going to use the system for. Figure out what you are going to use your pc for and repost letting us know. A gamer wants dfferent things from someone that wants a home media setup.
The 8800GT is certainly a powerful card, much more powerful than the 9600GT, but is a tad more expensive. If you're in the US, go for it. If you live somewhere like the Uk though, ATi's Radeon HD3870 is much cheaper and offers quite a similar level of performance, so you may want to check that out. The Athlon 6000+ is a mediocre CPU by modern standards, so unless you've already bought one, avoid it, and instead get: Core 2 Duo E6750 Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3R Corsair HX 520W PSU
thanks for the advice on that new processor. i guess im a little behind. I want this to be a gaming pc.
Indeed, for a gaming system the E6750 is much better. Quite a lot of gamers are going with quad core CPUs now, so it depends on what sort of budget you're going with.
i want to try to stay under 1000, so thats what im trying to work with. i agree that i can't skimp on the motherboard/videocard/processor, but what about power supply/case/memory? do i really need that power supply? will this memory work? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231098 its a 2x1 GB for cheap what case should i stuff all of this in? im not going for anything with like 10 bays, but i want to get all the regular stuff in.
The thing you must NEVER skimp on is the PSU. Cheap PSUs often go bang, and can destroy not only your PC, but also your house as well. Many of the cheap units are prone to fire. G-Skill memory is fine, but I prefer this stuff: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145034 After rebates it works out even cheaper.
http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/ProductInfo.asp?WebProductID=359344 http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/ProductInfo.asp?WebProductID=533394
I have a Intel E6750 cpu. I love this chip. Bang for buck it has been a great chip. If I was building a pc today I would go with Intel's Q6600. It is a quad core rated just below the E6750 on speed but 2 more cores. When I built my pc they were much more expensive. Now the E6600 is about $250.00. That is only about $50.00 more than a E6750. If you are running just one 8800gt then I would think a quality 500 watt psu would be sufficient. I was running 2 8800gts cards in sli with a 650 watt psu with no problems. I got the cards split up right now in 2 pcs but plan on getting a lower budget card for second pc so I can get them hooked up in sli again.