HI guys, Im looking for bulk supplier for starview boxes (or dbox as long as can provide help as new to them). i live in the midlands area and am a honest buyer. my email/msn is lfentertainment@hotmail.co.uk . thanks
their sure is a market for these boxes need I say anymore have the cable companies twigged onto these boxes then...
They soon will if traders mass buy them. Then no ones boxes will work people like Leekop will just make a fast buck thanks to are help! and everone that bought them will be left with usless boxes. Are traders allowed on this site?
timoweb im not a flaming trader , i wanted to buy 6 for family to see if i could save a few pound . are nosey idiots who dont know what they are talking about allowed on the forum ?
leekop - I am with timoweb on this, he was correct in questioning your desire to purchase a bulk, as he stated, some suppliers buy them in Bulk (say 100) come on here ask for help, get the help, then they fusk off without saying thank you and then when the boxes play up, the buyers may come here for help... so dont take it like a dig at you, he was just questioning your original question.. if it is for family then that is ok....
I dont think you will get much discount on 6 leekop, most want to sell by the pallet load which could kill it if that starts to happen.
@leekop Sorry if this sounds condescending, but have you not tried just asking a few ebay sellers if they can give you a discount should you buy 6 in one go? And yes, "bulk" does insinuate the purchasing of much more than 6 units.. This is a friendly forum mate, we all help each other as best we can. Try not to pi*s people off..
yes i have tries ebay but all seem to want the money and stock will be sent when in stock , when ever that is . no one seems to have 1 let alone pallets of them as you word it
Then go for the Dbox2 instead. I've not heard all that good reports from the Starview boxes anyway.. The Dbox2 is more configurable and has more possibilities such as streaming in/out, hard drive modding etc..
Dboxes are second hand so you get whats floating about. I prefer the Dreambox 500c to the starview box. Dvb shop will do you a bit of discount if you buy 6 they will do them for £5 cheaper per box. http://www.dvb-shop24.co.uk/