Do you know what I really hate is when I go to make a cd and for some reason it starts buring than the stupid program fails or messes up. Then the dumb program goes and finalizes the cd. It didn' t even start burning to the cd before there was an error and it finalized my cd. Details free space 0 space filled 0. Why does it do this?
I wouldnt use Windows Media Player or even Windows XP Inbuilt burner to burn any CD's. I would use Nero or something similar to do it for you. CJC
It still should of worked. Is there anyway that I can still use the cd or is it garbage. In the past I usually just throw it out and be done with it.
Just turn the CD over, and does it look like it has been burned to ? 'Should' of worked. When your using programs like that you pretty much expect things not to work all the time. CJC
I worked the time before. The cd I tried to burn the first time worked on the cdrw. I copied that onto a cdr.
Windows Media Player uses an old outdated Roxio burning engine, it wont even recognise my burner. I'll Second that. The music your burning to disc, does any song come from a copy protected disc? or has any song been downloaded from a genuine server that you've paid for?
I tried to burn the cd once to a cdr and it failed. All the program did right was finalize my disc. Without any changes the same songs burnt perferctly to the cd-rw. Which I used dependable software to copy. Blindwrite is a great and simple program for copying cd's and dvd's.