Hello all, I have been searching these threads for a while and can't find what I'm after, so this is my predicament: Someone has sent me a winrar file and told me to use Nero and BURN IT AS AN IMAGE I have Nero express 6 and can't see an option to burn as image. Typically I can't get hold of the sender, but these are the exact instructions sent: Oh I should say, treat me as a complete computer bafoon, cos thats what I am, speak slowly in laymans terms and I should be fine. Thanking you in advance.
First you have to install Winrar(unless you already have it) and extract the image from the rar archive,just like he described, by clicking on the first file in the archive, and save it to lets say your desktop. Did you get a bunch or smaller .RAR files or one big ISO file?Then here is how you burn with Nero that image: http://www.hiren.info/pages/how-to-burn-iso
Thanks for the reply, my nero doesn't have a drop down menu like it shows there with a 'recorder' tab
Okay, here is a guide for Nero Express. let me know is you find it. http://johnbokma.com/mexit/2007/01/05/burning-dvd-iso-image-with-nero-express.html http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/nero5.html