hi! i wanna knoe if u burn avi file to a cd with a cd burner{computer). Exactly how small is an avi file? Can u save it on floppy disk and then put it on another computer?
Hey 1. You Cant [bold]Bold[/bold] Headings 2. Yes you can burn AVI files to a Blank CD using a CD-R(W) Drive. 3. Depending on the AVI file, usually they are around approx 700mb for a movie. 4. No They wont fit on a floppy (unless u want to span it over 500 Floppy disks) Regards CoZZa
LOL tell me about it... I see enough of that mindy2004: 1. You can burn AVI files to a CD by using something like Nero using the DataCD template. 2. Depending on the quality (bitrate) and the length and resolution (size of the image) an AVI file can span from <100KB to well over 4GB. The two most important factors affecting movie size are length and bitrate. Increasing either will increase the size of the AVI file 3. As per point 2, if the movie is smaller than 1.38MB than you can fit it onto a single floppy otherwise you will have to span it onto multiple floppies. For reference, a DVDRIP is typically 1-2 CDs and, although you can put that onto a floppy, its not advised
a floppy, i wonder how playback from floppy would be like. you can use thumb drive too, of course for transfer, ardive is not economical wise
There are several guides available for burning (S)VCDs. For information on burning (S)VCDs with VCDGear and BurnAtOnce visit http://cd-rw.org/articles/archive/vcdgearburnatonce.cfm and for information on burning VCDs with Nero visit http://www.afterdawn.com/articles/archive/nero_videocd_guide.cfm