Burn DVD from Hard Drive

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Poppy_s, Aug 10, 2004.

  1. Poppy_s

    Poppy_s Guest

    Hi Experts

    I searched on the forum but could not find answer. I recently bought a pc and The LRings DVD. I read somewhere that it's a good idea to make a copy just in case the original gets scratched - important since my younger brothers are likely to mess up one day.

    It took me about 2and half hrs to copy these dvds to my hard drive. But when I try to play it, it is messed up - I suppose this cannot be burnt onto a dvd would it? it would not work I dont think?

    I visited other websites that suggested achohol120%, but am not very proficient with this. Could you help me with a guide to using this - that is how to copy dvd movie to virtual drives (4 disks- cause directors edition)and burn onto 1 dvd, I only know how to mount games with this. I have PowerDVD software
  2. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Can you post your system spec? O/S, processor, ram, HD, free HD space? With a decent pc it shouldn't take 2 1/2 hours.

    Need more info:
    What programs are you using to backup your dvd's? And what are your steps?
  3. Poppy_s

    Poppy_s Guest

    I am using WinXP Proffesional, AMD System, Athlone 2,6Ghz, 512MB Ram, 114Gigs Hd? True(When i check, it says capacity 114Gb) 8X LG DVDRW. When I copy movie I just copy straight to harddrive not use any software -just normal copy and paste- not right?

    I have not copy movie on alchohol120% virtual drives yet. Dont know how. When i try to play movie it is scrambled and there are funny colors and it is freezing all the time. I try to play with WinMedia player, DivX player and PowerDVD.
  4. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I don't think so ... Try using DVD Decrypter.
    Open Decrypter -> click mode -> File F -> then click the image of a dvd to hard drive.
  5. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Alcohol 120% won't decrypt movies not to mention there are better apps for that anyway.

    DVD Shrink is worth looking into in addition to DVD Decrypter :)
  6. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Yes, neph is right, for DVD9 use shrink to rip, compress and/or reauthor then decrypter to burn. Remember to select backup target in shrink for ISO and burn with decrypter.

    If the movie is DVD5 you can rip with decrypter in ISO mode(decrypter can't burn in file or IFO mode) and then burn with decrypter. It will not compress or re-author.

    "just normal copy and paste- not right? "- no, not right.


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