Does sombody know how to burn a DVD+R video for the xbox? I've tried several ways with Nero 6 Iso, video, xboz tm ect, burning speed.... but it wil not work. I get by disc type: unknow. Other mediaplayers (pc, standalone) don't have this problem. please help regards wp
What brand DVDs are you using? Sometimes it comes down to the quality of the media or the color of the bottom of the DVD. I have heard that deep purple is the best. I have used Memorex, Verbatim, and Fuji DVD+R discs without problems. I tried a CompUSA brand and ended up having issues with a few of the burns.
i use the brand arita. But the funnie thing is that a friend had the solutions ( he formate his pc) and he can't recall what it was... ps. sorry for my no english men from newyork
I use memorex dvd-r and stomp record now, never had a problem (you are making a video_ts file for your dvd video arent you?)
I misread dvd+r as I believe wont work with certain drives, usual , but it doesnt work on the samsung sdg-605 tried all media, no dvd+r work dvd+rw do use dvd-r thats what I use, theyre usually cheaper too I get 25 for $30