Burn DVD with Easy 6 but won't play in dvd player?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by T-bone, Sep 1, 2003.

  1. T-bone

    T-bone Member

    Feb 10, 2003
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    I have asked this question before but no one has answered it, why is it that when I burn a dvd file/folder using easy 6 it won't play in a standalone dvd player, but if I burn the same file/folder using RecordNow it plays perfectly? Why???
    I am finalising the disc in Easy 6 and copying the folder, it plays perfectly in the PC using Powerdvd but as I say not in the dvd player, this is really baffing me. Please don't say easy 6 is crap and dump it..use Nero etc etc, I like Easy 6 and have no problems using it for other burns audio etc but I must be missing something so obvious that I can't see it? Can any one help?

  2. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    Roxio is a piece of crap in my opinion for burning DVD video. I would guess you may have wrong settings in it, however, i think you should most definitley stick with Record now, I use it and love it :)

    Why not use Roxio for your audio and Record Now for your Video?
  3. Marino13

    Marino13 Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    Roxio does not use the standard joliet file version for video when it burns data discs. However, it does use it when you create a dvd with dvd builder, which is Roxio's version of transferring your videotapes to dvd's. Nero and Record Now do use the standard file version for video and that is why it works with them. Your computer can recognize either file version so the dvd that you created with roxio plays fine on your PC. In a nutshell, I love Roxio for audio but when it comes to data and video I use Record Now or Nero.
  4. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    Not sure what you mean when you can just put it inside the VIDEO_TS folder and that will be a standard file!
  5. T-bone

    T-bone Member

    Feb 10, 2003
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    Thank you Marino, The reason I used easy 6 today was to test the write speed of some new 4 x speed dvd's, to see if they do burn at 4 x speed in my Sony DRU500ax, but only to find out they don't, just 2 x speed! But then of course to also find out that I wasted a disc in the process! To my knowledge to cannot tell the burn speed using Record Now, but I have to admit Record Now does burn dvd's successfully time after time.
    As you say, I'll use it for printing covers and label's and burning Audio discs and use Record Now for DVD's
    Thanks again for replying.

  6. Marino13

    Marino13 Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    Not exactly, Oriphus. Although there is a standard file system across the board, stand alone dvd players work with a particular version of that file system (I believe it is 1.2 but I would not swear to it). It is an older version. I only found this out through errors of my own. In my belief the best DVD burning software out there is GEAR. For one reason only... it allows you to choose which version of the joliet file system to use.
  7. Marino13

    Marino13 Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    T-bone, I too have a Sony DRU-500A and have ran into the same problems. I have found success with Memorex + and - r's that are rated at 4X. You may want to try these if you can get some.
  8. DarkFoss

    DarkFoss Guest

    I had a similar problem with Easy Creator 6.
    What I do to get around the problems burning with it is after you rip your dvd file is this.
    1 Open Creator classic and drag the file to the center pane.
    2 From the file menue select create disk image and create your iso file.
    3 Close Creator classic and open up DVD Builder
    from the file menu select burn from image file.

    One benefit from doing it this way(although a bit longer) is the resulting dvd not only plays in my comp with WMP, ATI's dvd player, Win DVD Plat ver 4.5. They also play in my standalone JVC (supposed to only read R-) no matter if I use R+, R- or RW+ burned at 2.5 or 4x I haven't tried RW- yet since I don't have a any yet.

    Trying to burn the VIDEO_TS folder directly useually generates an error DVD Builder says AC3 files are unsupported and it will ask if you want to burn the dvd without sound :(
    Creator Classic doesn't have any DVD options that I've seen and would only burn the above mentioned folder as a data disk haven't bothered trying it to see if it would play that way.
    Opps forgot to add I used Memorex media with my Memorex Duel X-1

    I hope some of this helps ya.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2003
  9. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    Nero allows you to choose which voilet to burn also!!
    What are you talking about??

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