Burn GCM

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by SilverF0x, Dec 14, 2004.

  1. SilverF0x

    SilverF0x Member

    Dec 13, 2004
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    I haven't understeand...can we burn them to mini dvd and the cube read theme, or we can only stream trough lan?
  2. SilverF0x

    SilverF0x Member

    Dec 13, 2004
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    i need only a yes or no...plz answer!
  3. johnodd4

    johnodd4 Guest

    you can only stream them right now but there is a gc boot disk that boots backups and imports but doesn't work on pal and japanese gamecubes...
  4. SilverF0x

    SilverF0x Member

    Dec 13, 2004
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  5. 0MAR

    0MAR Regular member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    I heard they are easier to burn to normal dvds but u have to take the top of the game cube of!!! but i dont have any ideas how to...
  6. CLiPsEmX

    CLiPsEmX Guest

    You can get the gamecube isos online, but how exactly would you burn it to a mini dvd. The gamecube isos come in a .gcm format. But some said you can change the filename to iso and burn it will alcohol 120 or nero. I tryed that but it will not work. Doesn't recognize the image. Does anyone know how to exactly burn a gamecube image?
  7. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    I use Nero to burn my GameCube games to disc.The instructions to put a GameCube game on disc to where you can play it by streaming for right now should be this way:

    :: Burning a Game to Cd or Dvd

    To burn a gamecube game to a cd or dvd in order to play it with the GCDiscServer, burn the gcm/iso file as follows:

    Data Mode 1
    2048 bytes per sector

    Do NOT burn the gamecube image file onto the disc as a file itself,burn it direct to disc.

    To burn with 'Nero' select 'Burn Image', 'Block Size' of 2048 bytes,no 'Image Header' or 'Footer'. Dont tick 'Scrambled', 'Swapped' or 'Raw Data'.

    You can burn the game as a .GCM file extension or .ISO file extension or any other extension,as long as it plays on the Cube by streaming technique you should be fine(this would be to check first to see if the image plays first before burning it).I hope this helps alot of people out trying to figure out how to store GC games on discs.
  8. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    The answer to your question SilverF0x would be yes to both questions.You are able to stream the images,and the modchip that is released is able to read the images without streaming process.You can burn to big size Dvd-R discs and big size Cd-R discs.You can burn to Mini Dvd-R and even Mini Cd-R discs,it depends on how you would like to go about using discs I guess.If you want to play big sized discs,you have to take the top off of the Cube which is not always good since it exposes the inside of the Cube to dust and can lead to damage.The mini discs can be used as normal with the lid on,but depends on what brand using certain methods.Another thing is that the Cube is only able to pick up on - Negative formats,so stay away from the + Plus formats they won't work.
  9. Goog

    Goog Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    What do you mean by "Do NOT burn the gamecube image file onto the disc as a file itself,burn it direct to disc."
    I am new to nero and I don't know the Difference...
    I tried to burn my GCM to a MiniDVD-RW and I used your Method (I think I did everything right) but it still won't work
  10. coldasice

    coldasice Guest

    "Do NOT burn the gamecube image file onto the disc as a file itself,burn it direct to disc." means don't burn it as a DATA-DVD. Whatever your Gamecube file is named, right-click it and RENAME. Delete the original name and rename it to "nameofgame.iso"(adding in the .ISO extension makes it an image file, thus NERO will recognize it) Open up nero. Make sure the WIZARD comes up. Burn it as an IMAGE file (because technically, that's what it is)It will bring up a window for you to select the file. Drag your file to your burning window, and click burn. Slip it in your Gamecube and have fun. Also, you may wanna check one thing. 1. Will GC even read DVD-RW because I don't honestly believe that it will? That MAY be your problem. DVD-Rs don't come cheap....but on ebay it's at least REASONABLE. Hope this helps.
  11. Goog

    Goog Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    doesn't work for me

    Is there anything that You guys did with your GCs before this step..cuz Mine is as it was when I bought It
  12. coldasice

    coldasice Guest

    Okay, I know this is gonna sound like a stupid question but reading through the forum and such, you never mentioned whether you did or didn't have a VIPER MODCHIP. So, do you have the viper modchip? IF so has it been flashed with the Cobra 2.0 Bios? Because if you're simply wanting information on burning a Gamecube game so that it will boot up on a Gamecube console without the aid of a modchip, then you're sorta shit outta luck. I'm sure there is a boot disc somewhere or whatever but it can't possibly work without the aid of a modchip. That method of burning nero that I explained to you SHOULD (for all intensive purposes) have done it. Give us a little more info here.
  13. CLiPsEmX

    CLiPsEmX Guest

  14. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    It works both methods streaming and using modchip.You can either use the NGC Disc Server by burning your streamed image on disc and then plugging it into your computer disc drive and running it that way through the BBA.Then there is the Viper GC modchip method which is burn the image then plug in a original game to do a refresh method and then the burnt disc.It works either way streaming or with a modchip.I don't think anyone will get a high success rate with Dvd-Rw,but maybe it is possible.The reason I think that is the laser is pretty picky already with what discs it can pick up.I guess it could have something to do with the bios also,might not have support for Dvd-Rw not sure though.

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