I am presently burning Wav. music files to DVD-R to make long playing(up to 4GB) music. They play back in the computer but not in a standalone DVD Player. Is there a way to get them to play in DVD players?
Let me piggy-back on that. Many DVD players play discs with mp3 (perhaps even wma) files on them. Does that include dvd r or just cd-r? (gfbrown perhaps if you switched your wav files to mp3-for a mp3 compatible player, you could accomplish your goal with perhaps ten times more the number of songs)
The best way to do this is to make sure that they're DVD-Video compliant WAVs and then author them to DVD with a blank video clip. Here's what you would do for each song: 1. Resample the audio to 16 bit/48kHz if it isn't already. There are many programs that can do this. I'd use Wavelab 4, but that's expensive and you could use something like BeSweet (free) or Goldwave (free trial) 2. Create a blank video clip that's the same length as the song. You might want to make it a little longer if you want to insert silence between songs. You can make the video clip by using AviSynth (free) and encode it to a 352x240 (352x288 for PAL) MPEG-1 using TMPGEnc (free for MPEG-1). Be aware that there are some older players that won't play files with this resolution, but it's completely DVD compliant. 3. Either author with a program like TMPGEnc DVD Author or DVD-Lab (free trials for both) for a DVD with menus, or with a free tool like Rejig or IfoEdit for a DVD without menus. 4. Use DVD Shrink (free ) to combine each title (song) into a single compilation. If you want to try this method out (it's not as hard as it seems) let me know and I'll post more details. @jahern: That's a good question. For older players the answer is that you can't play MP3 DVDs. For those made in the last year, it depends on the brand and model. It's become pretty common for players to support it, but it's still not guaranteed. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue DVD Rebuilder Guides: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd_rebuilder_tutorial.cfm http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd_rebuilder_tutorial_advanced.cfm[/small]
Thanks for the information. The Wav. files I am creating are being made from my collection of LP vinyl 33 1/3 records using my turntable and mixer-preamp from GLi. My DVD Player is a new JVC model.