is it possible to burn xbox games without a modded xbox? If so, can anyone post step by step instructions? Thanks!!!!
You'll probably hear this 1000 times, but you're in the PS2 forum. However, I doubt you'll be able to play burnt games on your XBOX without somekind of modification i.e. chip.
NO YOU CAN'T READ THE GAMES OR FTP THEM OVER A NETWORK WITHOUT A MOD. You would know this if you read a couple of the forums already started about this.
Okay mr. poopoo. Do u kno anything about the trick where u put in agent under fire or mechassult and quickly switch the game to ur burned one. i heard about that but i dont know if it is true. If u kno anything than please share.
i think what you mean is having your xbox softmodded, i do not think it is a swap trick, but i have never used it myself. They use certain games to softmod the Xbox so it can play back ups. that or you get a good modchip installed. there are many good tutorials here, including a softmodding 101 tutorial
Its not a swap trick you just load the installer to the xbox and the install the linux op sys to the xbox. By using the action replay.