Hello...I recently purchased a Lite-on #1213s DVD+-RW and have had many sucessful burns using TDK DVD-R media.also using DVD shrink and DVDdcryptor.The problem is my burned copys will not play back on my PC using the same RW drive.The drive itself when loaded does not recognize any disc or media. Can anyone help me with this matter??...will be appreciated.
Hi there, I too had the same problem (see See http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/99739)and guess what no one answered but I have resolved the problem... When using nero make sure you setup for the drive to auto select the best speed and to verfiy the data. This resolved the issue for me. If i did not do this the disc would be burnt at 8x speed... when I set it to select the correct speed it did it at 4x speed. Give it a try, I hope is works for you. The TDK discs are good quality so I am sure it will be fine.
Hi, If you haven't done so, a firmware update may help. Newer firmwares tend to work out bugs from earlier versions in addition to improving media compatibility. It appears TS09 is the latest revision for the 1213S. Here's a link for the firmware and remember to follow the instuctions very carefully http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?category=4&manufactor=17 _X_X_X_X_X_[small] JMLS-166S/Plextor PX-708A/Plextor Premium My Movies! http://www.intervocative.com/dvdcollection.aspx/Rephaim Got Indie? http://cdbaby.com/[/small]
Hi, thanks for the tip... the file does not appear to be a liteon file... As I did check the official site and there is no firmwares there. What are these files, are the 3rd party modifications?
Hi, I downloaded version TS09 just to check it out and when extracted I get a LitOnIt Flash utility but if you're not comfortable with TS09 I found TS08 on Lite On's official website http://www.liteonamericas.com/us/download.htm
Still not working.........my drive is still reading "no disk in drive",when i have my burnt dvd-r inside the drive.could it be this particular dvd-r media?(TDK)
yes,regular dvd,s play fine.Just can't play burned dvd-r's.........tried installing firmware also to no avail.
Thanks Nephilim I will have a look at this firmware as my concerns about DVD read after burn are the same as rjs1162... I assume that the firmwares are for all regions? They dont seem to say either way!. I have been playing with my DVD burner and found that many medias require different burn speed. There is a tool available to define media burn speed which may help you rjs1162, this utility is from LITEON http://www.liteonamericas.com/us/download_utility.htm I have found that the media burn speed does vary and although the drive can burn at quite impressive speeds the truth is that different medias require different speeds. Do you have any thoughts on the best media, Nephilim? For example for data backup what best and whats good for making DVD movies for playing in all if not most DVD players? I also notice there is a region free tool... to download from the page you gave us Nephilim! any views on the use of this? You help is very much appreciated...
I tried the "smart burn utility you mentioned Kev and it did detegt the write speed for the media i am using which is 4x(the speed i am burning at....but am still not able to read the written media afterwords..I am truly baffled by this!
Hi rjs1162 also tried to update my drive and found that the firmware was TS09 so its bang upto date as I am sure yours was. I really dont know what to say. The drive is very good. I made some DVD backups and have backed up all my data as well. I am using Traxdata 4x +RW media and although it dont like being burnt quickly if I do it at the suggested speed all seems fine. I have read that some disc from some sources are not the quality that they should be! maybe you have a bad batch! This DVD burning is not as straight forward as I thought, media plays a big part in the whole process. Have you burnt any successful discs? try getting a trial pack of different media and give it a go. I have just ordered some different discs (CloneDisc Silver Printable 4x DVD-R by Ritek) and the site i bought from has this "this is guaranteed grade A++ Ritek media as always by CloneDisc (be carefull though others have already started importing copies of this disc in lower grade!)" So even they say be careful of replica media.
Thanks Kev.....all my burns have been sucessful ones...my only problem is playing them back on the same burner which is supposed to read dvd-r discs...i will be trying some other media though to see if that is the problem!
Just to update you rjs1162, The CloneDisc Silver Printable 4x DVD-R by Ritek I have used for backing up DVD and they work great. Cheap too. The Traxdata RW discs cant be read by my DVD player nor if I burn to fast my LITEON DVD burner. Max speed for burn is 4x and have found if I burn 2.4 times that the access speed greatly improved. I hope you find some discs that work for you soon