I used RipIt4Me for American Gangster. The burned copy skips several times when played. What causes this?
In general, a burned disk that skips indicates less than optimum media combined with too high burning speed. It can be verified if, before burning, the files used were saved to the hard drive and play back without problems. Verbatim disks, burned at 4x is good practice.
I used verbatim +R, but did burn at 8x. This is going to be a really dumb, but it seems like you have to click on each VOB file to watch from the hard drive. So if you have to watch it disjointed, how would you know if it skips?
by playing each vob as a "TEST" process you will see the vobs 99.999999999% dont jump, which as mentioned above pionts to cheap/crap dvdrs used... yeah verbatim can be good and on good dvdrs, 8x isnt a prob aslong as no multitasking is going on too... to check your verbs are good let us know the dye code/MID info useing imgburn or dvdinfopro or dvd identifier
As an aside to the selection of the files in the hard disk folder, if you are using Windows Media Player, open the 'VIDEO_TS' folder and select the IFO file that refers to the movie. An example would be 'VTS_01_0.IFO'