I burned a backup of a dvd and it will play on stand alone dvd players but will not play on the computer that I used to burn it. Here is how I did it. 1)DVD Decrypter 2)DVD Shrink "Main Movie" Only 3)Nero "DVD-Video"
I have HP and have found out that there is something wrong with the firmware but no one knows how to fix it.
That is how I am doing it; I could have been more clear. What I don't understand is why I can burn the dvd but not play dvd using the same drive.
Try this: 1.shrink your dvd movie with dvd shrink 2.use Nero to copy the VIDEO_TS & AUIDO_TS FILES THAT WILL BE PRODUCED BY USING SHRINK. All you have to do is copy these files as a data project on to a blank dvd disk with nero.Don't use decrypter for this test. I will almost bet it will work