Burned DVD works in Comp, not in standalone player

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by redvoid, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. redvoid

    redvoid Member

    Dec 16, 2003
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    Ok...i burnt a dvd movie and it works perfectly in my computer, but not in my standalone. i'll give you the details of how i've created the discs and please let me know if i need to do something differently.

    i'm using memorex +r with plextor 708a drive in a digix dvd standalone player. so far i've burnt 3 dvds using 3 methods. first method was with DVD Decryptor, it was small enough so i burnt it as a data file with Roxio easy dvd creator 6. 2nd time was with dvd decryptor, then clonedvd, using clone to transcode and burn (iso/udf combo setting, i think). the 3rd time, it was with dvd shrink and CopyToDVD(dvd-video with iso 9660-msdos settings, not udf). Each time i've created both VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders...leaving the audio folder blank. they work on the computer, not the standalone. my standalone just sits there and "thinks" for a while...then decides that it is an "un disc" and won't do anything with it.

    i've searched on dvdrhelp.com and found that another user used my same brand burner and has my same dvd player and successfully used memorex +r. if the media is the problem, what is a general good brand to go with?

    is there anything i could be overlooking?

  2. yuedana

    yuedana Regular member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    it is your burning program and settings. People have not had much luck with roxio, but some people have done it, i think.

    I haven't seen much about copytodvd also. standalones can be very picky. Somebody did a evaluation of different burning programs with their standalones and found differences with nero and recordnow even. Fine tuning that last bit if somebody else has not done it can be very tricky.

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