When I burn a DVD recently, everything appears to go fine in DVD Shrink and then it burns fine in Nero. However, when I'm watching the DVD, it will play fine for about 40-45 minutes, then it freezes like a scratch is on the DVD or something. The DVD is flawless on the burned side and shows all files on it when I look at it on my computer. The beginning of the movie and then end work fine, but the big portion in the middle will not play and freezes up the DVD player or windows media player every time. The movie that was burned is "V for Vendetta", but "Failure to Launch" has done the same thing as well as "Derailed". Any ideas as to what is going on?
the one thing you forgot to mention in this post is the type of media you are using.It sounds like poor media but unless you clarrify the type then its any ones guess
the DVDs are Maxell. I have burned around 20 DVDs with these with no problem, this has just recently started.