Hi guys. I am having some issues with my burner currently. It is an 8X and is made for DVD+R. I have always copied my DVDs the same way (with DVD Shrink and AnyDVD). I have not had issues until I bought my last pack of DVDs. They were fujifilm 16x DVD+Rs. Every time I would burn one of these with Sonic Recordnow it would spit it out and ruin the disc within seconds. I tried my mom's 8x discs of the same brand and they worked fine. After this was happening I was assuming that my burner just could not handle the higher speed discs (which doesnt really make sense to me since I can just slow down burning to 8x). I went out today to buy more discs and everything was 16x discs. They all said things like "speeds up to 16x" and '1X to 16x" and etc. So I picked up a pack of Dynex 16x with DVD cases and I get home and same thing happens. So my problem is either my burning program (sonic record now) or my DVD burner (8x came with my Dell XPS laptop). Does anyone have any help for me here. Is there a free burning program I can try to see if it solves the problem. Sonic wont let me pick burn speeds so maybe this is it. Im pulling my hair out here (and wasting money) so I need help quick.
It looks like the newest firmware for your drive ND-6100A is 104D But it looks like you can cross flash that drive with the 6500A hacked firmware which will make your drive compatible with DVD-R and Double Layer blank media. Below is a link with this information on it. Go down half way on the page and read the information under the NEC ND-6100A section... http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?category=14&manufactor=23 Below is another link that might help you cross flash your drive to a ND-6500A http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=126671
USE Verbatim Dvd Rs , I used to buy whatever was on sale I made a lot of coasters I had to re-burn A ton of my backups now they are all on Verbatim and work great.(no I don't work for Verbatim )
@rbrock why would he burn at 4X? If he gets 16X media, a burn at 8X would be fine... Sometimes slower isn't always better, in fact too slow of a burn can cause just as many problems as too fast, but why steer him away from the "half the rated speed" theory?
Burning at half the speed is just that a theory. I burn my 16x Verbs at 4x because I have noticed inconstant burns when burring at even 8x on them. It doesn't make me right or wrong. But you will get into problems going slower then 4x and more then likely have problems going MAX speed. But I think if you go between 4x or half the rated speed you are safe and more inclined to get a good burn.
I stand corrected... one thing about AD, if you allow it of yourself... you can always learn something new.
I will agree with rbrock to try better media(compatible media). @White99z You say that the 8x FujiFilm of your mom's worked but your 16x did not work. Just because they are the same brand doe's not necessarily mean the same manufacture has made the media. You could Buy 5 Packs of FujiFilm media and there could be 2 or 3 different manufactures that makes that media. Then you said... I have never heard of those. Are they an off brand of disc? You need to find the Manufactures ID# of the disc your using and check on the below guide and see where they are listed. It is recommended to use 1st class media anything that is 2nd class or below should not be used for video. http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm Also do you have any other burning software installed that could be conflicting with your Sonic Record now program?
Hey guys... sorry to get a bit off topic, but about updating your firmware. Actually, about using hacked firmware... where do I find information about it? I have an LG burner, but can't find anything usful on their site. I have disks that will allow me to burn above 4x, but my burner won't go any higher. Thanks in advance.
If you have DVD decrypter open it go to tools and then to drive then check for firmware updates takes you to a update site then download the update
Recording at a slower speed reduces the power required for the laser diode. Fuji 16X DVDs generally, but not always, use their Oxonol dye. Although this is a very stable dye, perhaps the most stable of all the dyes used today in terms of heat/temperature stability, it requires more power to lower the jitter. Your drive, even at 8X, might not be able to increase the power levels of the laser to the right level. Reducing the recording speed to 4X will increase your chances of falling within the tolerance range of the dye. Be sure to update the firmware. Using hacked firmware will violate your warranty, and NEC is particularly sensitive to this after hacked firmware destroyed lots of ND-2500s. Newer models of that drive had a new recording diode that could take the power levels required for DL discs; older models had a diode that could not. Hacked firmware turned newer models into ND-2510s and older models into junk. If the hacker has a CATs system in his basement, you might be able to trust him.
Well according to DVD Decrypter, there is no higher official firmware for my drive. I guess I'll stick to my 4x burning. Thanks for your help guys.
Old 8X burners do like new 16X media regardless of the burn speed, as the original poster noted. 8X media is still available online, find it, buy it and use it.