Hi everyone I have an issue with my LG-GSA H10L recently i started to have issues with my burner. I burned a backup of a movie and tried to play it back in my dvd player and to my surprise the screen was flickering everything burned correctly ( i did not get any errors) the movie plays fine except fpr the screen flickering. I only use name brand media. I first thought it was the media (- r's) then i tried +r's and the same result. Some movies would burn fine and others would have the screen flickering issue. I tried flassing to the newest firmware and i still get the same issue. Does anyone have any ideas what the case may be? Would i need a new burner?
Thanks for the input grandpaBW but i tried burning at 8x and still the same issue. will try 4x later but i don't think that is the problem. Any other help would be appreciated Thanks
The issues started when i was using Memorex 16x -r's and i tried the maxell 16x +r's and the issue is still there. In the past i've used fuji -r's, benq -r's, phillips -r's.
HA I don't think that is my problem. I just tried burning another movie just mins ago and that burned with no errors and no screen flickering. That is on th Memorex -r's at 16x. Just gonna try another dvd.
you can get TY's online from Supermediastore.com meritline.com Rima.com i would switch to verbs like everybody else said and burn half the rated speed. just curious if you DL this program you can see who makes your blank media edit or if you find any Sony,Fuji,Maxell that are MIJ, those are TY's MIJ=Made in Japan