I have been following this group for some time now and have switched to Verbatum and TY ONLY!!!!! Thank you so much and I am reburning many old DVDs of mine that have massive errors in them onto the Verbs and Tys. Would someone please be so kind as to tell me the best burners models and numbers to buy both internal and external. There has been so much information given here, it would be so hard to pile through all of it to get such information. Please also tell me how to set the book type as I know almost nothing about this feature. Many thanks to all of you out there with so much information. Reagrds, Guy Henderson
As far as externals go, I recently bought a Plextor 740UF for $60. I flashed it to a BenQ EW164B, which is the external version of the 1640 (one of the best burners around). This is a couple of models back, but is a great deal on a BenQ external. I also have an LG5163D, and it's a great burner as well. It, too, is a model or two back, as well as my LiteOn 1693SX, and my Pioneer 109. Check NewEgg for deals on the older models mentioned or very competitive pricing on recent models... The only difference with the more recent models will be either RAM capability added or faster DL speeds or both. None of which is an issue for me because I have no use for DVD RAM (even though my LG is capable), and I don't burn many DL discs. I use DVDRebuilder Pro w/ CCE if needed... The internal versions of these drives and their updated versions will be just as capable...
Internal: Benq 1650 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827101010 It should automatically set the plus media to dvd-rom. If not,qsuite will do the trick. Under $33 including shipping-an excellent bargain for this quality booktyping drive. 99.9%+ backup success 95%+ standalone player compatality rate-after booktyping your backups.Drastically reduces those little pif errors.Good luck on finding a drive that won't recognize your booktyped backups. Very frequent firmware updates Consistant 95+ nero disc quality scans Verbatim and taiyo yuden perform better at the faster burn speeds.Beware of slow burning on this drive.She'll fly! Rip and burn on the fly? Very good! She'll burn anything you throw at her! External: Not my specialty.
Probably you can still find some Benq 1640 rebadges under the Norwood Micro name @ CompUSA. They have an external model which is good. I know because I have one.
Here's an external benq DW1650 http://www.meritline.com/combo-benq-dw-1650-16x-dvd-burner-with-5-25-usb2-external-enclosure.html The 1650 is probably the most recommended drive here. Mine has been nothing less of outstanding although mine is internal.
I wish to thank all of you who have supplied me with everything I need and to Mort81, I went and bought the burner.
Congrats, I'm sure you will be happy with your purchase. Here's a link to Qsuite http://support.benq.com/front/BenqM...langu=null&ops=null&GenMenu=&RootId=undefined in case it doesn't come with your drive.