I'm in the market for a new DVD burner, as my old kHypermedia/Cyberdrive DX082D is showing it's age (not to mention being good at only making great looking coasters). I'm not really looking to spend a great deal of money as all I'm really looking for is the ability to burn off data. After looking around at some local shops, I've narrowed my choices down to the following: LG GSA-H22N LITE-ON LH-18A1P-185 Pioneer DVR-111D The featuresets are nearly identical in my core/basic requirements, but what I'm hoping some of you bleeding edge tech experts might be able to supply is perhaps some in depth pros/cons of these 3 drives? For instance, I believe (and I could be mistaken here) the Pioneer does not support booktyping for DVD+R media (unless you flash it to 111L). What I'm hoping to hear is something in the way of insight as to long term usefulness over and above my basic requirements which all of the above will accomplish quite well. And of course, if there's any reports of quality issues, excessive media pickiness, or other general undesireable qualities are always helpful Jebus
I upgraded from an LG 4167B to the LiteOn LH-18A1P-186. Just FYI, CincyRob is have problems burning Taiyo Yuden media w/ his 18A1P-185 where as I don't have his problems on my 18A1P-186. I still contend there is a difference between the -185 vs. -186 even though some people feel there isn't. Mine was built Jan. 2007 BTW. Otherwise the 18A1P-186 is my recommendation. Also, there are some discrepancies as to whether the 18A1P can booktype out of the box. Mine cannot without the use of LiteOn booktype utility or flashing w/ a hacked FW. I'm still evaluting the best option for me.
I have not used any of these specifically, but judging by the good and bad comments and questions here and on Videohelp about the makes in general - and my own experience with older-model LGs - your best bet is definitely the Pioneer. However, I'd flash it with the 111L firmware from rpc1.org, so you can bitset single-layers +Rs.